12 maio 2012

feliz dia das Mães!!!

Será amanhã dia das Mães no Brasil. Felicidade a todas as Mães e Avós que leem o meu blog!!! :)
Meu carinho a todas vocês!!!
Especialmente a minha Mãe!!!! Obrigada por tudo!!!!

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cartões para orkut Dia das mães

Dia das Mães pelo Mundo

Origens da homenagem a quem nos trouxe nessa viagem

Domingo é o dia das mães e nada mais justo do que homenagear e estar junto da pessoa que te trouxe para descobrir esse mundo louco, cheio de aventuras e viagens alucinantes! Conheça um pouco mais da história dessa data em outros países e as tradições em culturas diferentes!
Por aqui as primeiras comemorações foram realizadas em 1918 pela Associação Cristã de Moços de Porto Alegre e alguns anos depois um outro moço (não tão moço) gaúcho, conhecido como Getúlio Vargas estabeleceu a data oficial para homenagear as mães como o segundo domingo de maio. Como todos nós sabemos o brasileiro adora homenagear a sua progenitora com presentes e almoços com toda a família reunida, é de se esperar que os dias anteriores ao das mães seja sinônimo de lojas cheias, estradas lotadas e filas gigantescas em restaurantes. Mas tudo vale a pena para passar um tempo com a senhora que te trouxe à Terra.
Prato Oficial Nacional: Uma bela macarronada feita com o famoso sugo da vovó aos exageros do queijo ralado faz a alegria até do cachorro da família.
Berço da cultura ocidental, a Grécia nos legou inúmeros meandros de nossa língua e nos inspira até hoje em festividades pagãs. Assim herdamos o Dia das Mães. O início da primavera era o momento de comemorar a fertilidade e oferecer à Reia, titã, mãe de todos os deuses e esposa de Cronos, alimentos e produtos da terra. A história se dá devido ao seu marido, que de estranhos hábitos, já havia devorado cinco de seus filhos. Reia decidiu que isso não ocorreria jamais ao sexto filho, também conhecido como Zeus. O caçula sobrevivente voltou para destronar o pai e assumir o Monte Olimpo e então o equilíbrio foi mantido no mundo dos deuses e o garoto da mamãe pôde governar os céus e a terra. Assim todos os anos gregos devemos homenagear nossas salvadoras. Atualmente a data está ligada à Igreja Ortodoxa, no dia 2 de fevereiro quando a Theotokos (Mãe de Deus) apresentou seu filho Jesus no Templo de Jerusalém.
Pedida do almoço: Sem erro, uma boa Muzaka feita em enormes bandejas, ela mesmo, a famosa mistura grega de carne moída, purê de batata e talvez beringelas, que deverão ser servidas de forma esparramada nos pratos dos familiares em fila, todos com água na boca. Não se engane, só se quebram pratos na Grécia entre os turistas ou casamentos hollywoodianos.
Com uma origem bem antiga também, a comemoração em homenagem às mães se dá no século XVI, quando os servos e aprendizes que trabalhavam para os senhores eram dispensados por um dia e apenas um dia do ano para que pudessem visitar suas mães. Posteriormente com a Revolução Industrial, o cenário da Inglaterra mudou e agora as mães eram também operárias em fábricas e tinham um tempo quase nulo para passar com seus filhos. Com isso foi estabelecido o "Mothering Day" para as mães ficarem em casa com seus filhos, celebrado no quarto domingo de Quaresma. Uma folga para voltar logo menos à singela jornada de 16 horas de trabalho.
Rango Real: Irremediavelmente os ingleses comerão batatas e ervilhas, ou ervilhas e batatas, e vice e versa se é que vocês nos entendem.
Existem duas correntes para explicar a origem do dia das mães no mundo árabe, comemorado no dia 20 do Jumada al-Thani, o sexto mês do calendário islâmico: uma diz respeito ao aniversário de Fátima, filha de Maomé e a outra ao jornalista egípcio Mustafa Amim, que após ouvir a história de um filho que mesmo com todo o apoio da mãe para se tornar médico a abandonou sozinha e viúva, se motivou a promover um dia para homenagear as mães, que não se importam se vão receber qualquer gratidão, tudo o que querem é se dedicar ao sucesso dos filhos. Apesar da idéia ter sido ridicularizada a princípio pelo presidente Gamal Abdel Nasser, a data acabou pegando e se espalhou por todo o mundo árabe.
No Irã, a data que antes era comemorada mudou com a revolução do país. Os governantes associavam ao mesmo tempo que segundo o Corão, não deveria haver um dia só para dar importância à família, algo que deveria ser feito diariamente e também que a data tinha uma forte conotação feminista, o que vai contra vários de seus conceitos tradicionais.
Dica gastronômica: Sucesso tanto aqui quanto na terra dos habibes os cardápios variam sem variar. Quibes crus e de bandeja, coalhadas, mézzes, falafels, nozes, mel, cordeiros e muito hortelã.
Uma lenda explica a festa no país, que comemora a data durante a lua nova que ocorre entre Abril e Maio. No Vale do Katmandu é realizada a peregrinação pela Mata Tirtha. Na história a mãe de Krishna (uma das figuras centrais do hinduísmo) saiu para passear pelo vale e não mais retornou. Krishna triste com o desaparecimento saiu em busca de sua mãe. Depois de muitas tentativas sem sucesso ele a encontrou tomando banho em um lago da Mata Tirtha e ambos ficaram muito felizes em se reencontrar. Sua mãe, chamada Devaki, falou então que aquele local deveria ser a partir de então ponto de encontro para filhos cujas mães já haviam partido desse mundo. Até hoje milhares de pessoas vão ao lago sagrado se banhar como homenagem às mães que já faleceram.
Coma: Arroz e muito arroz e com sorte alguns currys do oriente.
Na Nicarágua, o Día de la Madre é comemorado em 30 de maio desde o início da década de 1940. A data foi escolhida pelo presidente Anastasio Somoza García, porque era o aniversário de Casimira Sacasa, a mãe de sua esposa. A origem da festa por lá se deu devido a uma sogra, provavelmente mãe de um mulher um tanto quanto determinada. Apesar de se dobrar diante dos desejos da esposa, o presidente também sabia mandar, e de forma nada popular, já que foi ditador do país até 1936, quando foi assassinado. Se você também tem uma sogra querida (ou esposa mandona) a data para homenageá-la aqui no Brasil é no dia 28 de abril.
Comida da sogra: Faça um belo Pinto Gallo, mistura de arroz frito com cebola, pimentão e feijão vermelho, ou escolha pelo Natacatamal, uma massa feita de farinha de milho e banha de porco, recheada de carne de porco ou frango.
CURIOSIDADE: Na França a data foi originada em Lyon a partir da "la journée des Meres" em 1918, como um tributo às mães e esposas de soldados mortos na Primeira Guerra Mundial. O governo francês oficializou a data em 1929, no último domingo de maio, com a intenção de estimular as pessoas a terem famílias maiores.

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'I'm going to breastfeed him for ANOTHER year': Mom pictured breastfeeding almost-four-year-old son on cover of Time will do so till he's five

Time magazine's breastfeeding cover star has said she will not stop breastfeeding her almost-four-year-old until he turns five.
Jamie Lynne Grumet, a 26-year-old mother from Los Angeles who has appeared on the cover of this week's issue, will continue to latch her toddler for one more year.
She said on the Today show this morning: 'I'm hoping our fourth year is probably going to be our final.'
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Unfazed: Jamie Lynne Grumet, Time magazine's controversial breastfeeding mother cover star, has said she will breastfeed her almost-four-year-old, Aram, until he is five
Unfazed: Jamie Lynne Grumet, Time magazine's controversial breastfeeding mother cover star (right), has said she will breastfeed her almost-four-year-old, Aram (left), until he is five
The mother of two, who also breastfeeds her adopted five-year-old son named Samuel, appeared on the breakfast program with her son Aram.
As the youngster fidgeted in her lap, Ms Grumet acknowledged that her attachment parenting methods have been deemed offensive by others.
'I understand some of the breastfeeding advocates are actually upset about this,' she said.

She attributed such outrage to the actual cover image. It is what she believes is a one-sided portrayal of attachment parenting. 
'This isn't how we breastfeed at home,' she said in regards to the photograph, which captures the child standing on a small chair in order to take hold of her breast in his mouth.
'It's more of a cradling, nurturing situation [at home]. I understand what they're [the advocates] saying,' she said.
Controversial: The highly talked-about cover featuring the 26-year-old mother breastfeeding Aram
Controversial: The highly talked-about cover featuring the 26-year-old mother breastfeeding Aram
The mother, who said Aram is in fact 'self-weaning right now', admitted that she 'did understand' that the cover shoot was intended to spark controversy.
'We knew exactly what we were going to get into,' she said. 'I felt like our family was one of the better ones to handle this because of my mom's own personal breastfeeding.'
Ms Grumet was breastfed by her own mother until the age of six.
'It did create a media craze and [it was meant] to get the dialogue... talking,' she said.
But she stressed that she does not believe attachment parenting methods should necessarily be adopted by all mothers.
She said: 'It's not right for everybody... you have to do what is right for your baby.'
Support: The mother, pictured top right with her husband Brian (top left), Aram (bottom left) and Samuel (bottom right) also breastfeeds five-year-old Samuel
Support: The mother, pictured top right with her husband Brian (top left), Aram (bottom left) and Samuel (bottom right) also breastfeeds five-year-old Samuel
Happy family: Aram (left) fidgeted as his mother spoke about how she was pleased that the cover has attracted so much attention
Happy family: Aram (left) fidgeted as his mother spoke about how she was pleased that the cover has attracted so much attention
Dr William Sears, the U.S. pediatrician who coined the attachment parenting technique, also appeared on the program.
He maintained that extended breastfeeding, a term that is commonly used to describe the act of breastfeeding past the age of two, is extremely natural.
'If you were on an island and had no doctors, no experts... this is what you would do naturally,' he said. 'I've never yet seen an attachment parented baby who's become a school bully.'
Ms Grumet said that while she bares close bonds with her two children, her relationship with her husband is just as important.
'I don't feel like it takes away from my own personal life, my relationship with my husband is very, very important to me,' she said.
Panel discussion: Dr William Sears (middle) also appeared on the program as did Jeffrey Kluger (left) who is the senior editor of Time magazine
Panel discussion: Dr William Sears (middle) also appeared on the program as did Jeffrey Kluger (left) who is the senior editor of Time magazine
Attachment parent: The mother added that she doesn't think her techiniques take away from her personal life
Attachment parent: The mother added that she doesn't think her techiniques take away from her personal life
In the magazine's larger feature story about attachment parenting, the mother said that she is able to recall memories of being latched onto her own mother's breast.
She said: 'It's really warm. It's like embracing your mother, like a hug. You feel comforted, nurtured and really, really loved. I had so much self-confidence as a child, and I know it's from that.'
She has aimed to provide the same type of support to Samuel, who was adopted from Ethiopia in November of 2010.
Samuel was breastfed by his new mother instantly. He is latched to her breast 'maybe once a month.'
Ms Grumet said: 'Being able to give him that [comfort] with the trauma that he faced was really, really important to me. I didn't realise how much it would help my attachment to him. 
'When his English improved, because the connection was there, he didn't do it as much.'
The mother has written on her blog, which has now been taken down, about how much Aram enjoys being breastfed.
In one post, a photograph of Aram in the Playboy Mansion has been uploaded. 
The picture was captioned with the text: 'I've breastfed Aram at the Playboy mansion. I actually felt it was the most appropriate place on earth to do it.'
There is no explanation to explain why she believes this.


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Empire Strikes Backstage: Intimate pictures of cast and crew during filming of second Star Wars movie

The cast and crew of The Empire Strikes Back faced a daunting task - how to follow Star Wars, the blockbuster which had reinvented science fiction on the silver screen overnight and instantly become the favourite film of millions of cinemagoers.
By the time it opened in 1980, the pressure was really on director George Lucas and his team of actors to deliver, but as these fantastic pictures illustrate they all found time to enjoy themselves in the process.
Ahead of an upcoming convention in Florida in August, which is expected to attract up to 30,000 buffs, here is a chance to see behind the scenes during the making of the second film.
All the stars, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher can be seen laughing and joking in and around the many sets and with a lot of the characters in costume.
Smile please: Despite the freezing temperatures during filming in Norway, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill manage to crack a smile
Smile please: Despite the freezing temperatures during filming in Norway, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill manage to crack a smile
Pucker up: Darth Vader enjoying a rare tender moment with Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner
Pucker up: Darth Vader enjoying a rare tender moment with Empire Strikes Back director Irvin Kershner
The film is actually the fifth in the full series of six films, after three prequels were made from 1999 onwards.
The photographs show a relaxed and playful side of the filming process, with smiles evident from all the lead characters - Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill), Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher).
Even arch-villain Darth Vader is not left out of the fun, with the film's director Irvin Kershner puckering up for a kiss with the evil dark lord.
Great kid, don't get cocky: Harrison Ford, who played smuggler turned freedom fighter Han Solo in the films enjoying a funny break from filming
Great kid, don't get cocky: Harrison Ford, who played smuggler turned freedom fighter Han Solo in the films enjoying a funny break from filming
Even droids need sun protection: Anthony Daniels, who played protocol droid C-3PO, taking cover from the sun during a scene
Even droids need sun protection: Anthony Daniels, who played protocol droid C-3PO, taking cover from the sun during a scene
Filming on Empire Strikes Back began in March 1979 in Norway during the worst snow storm the country had seen in 50 years. The filming of Star Wars was similarly plagued with freak weather, with Tunisia suffering its first major rainstorm in 50 years.
The snowy landscape was used to portray an icy planet in the Hoth system, and contains many of the iconic scenes in the movie, including one where Han Solo saves Luke Skywalker from freezing to death in a snowstorm by slicing open a giant Tauntaun creature and placing him inside the beast to keep warm. 
The production was then moved to the slightly warmer climes of (the indoor) Elstree Studios in London. The film had double the budget of Star Wars and was one of the most expensive ever made at the time at £18 million, tiny now by modern Hollywood standards. 
The images, like this one of Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford can be found in a new book called 'The making of Empire Strikes Back' by J.W. Rinzler
The images, like this one of Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford can be found in a new book called 'The making of Empire Strikes Back' by J.W. Rinzler
Surrender? I can't stop giggling: Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia having a fit of the giggles surrounding by two fearsome Stormtroopers
Surrender? I can't stop giggling: Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia having a fit of the giggles surrounding by two fearsome Stormtroopers
He's only a Wookie: Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew, who played the giant wookie character Chewbacca
He's only a Wookie: Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew, who played the giant wookie character Chewbacca
star wars
Unseen photographs from the making of 'Empire Strikes Back' show a more relaxed side to the actors, such as (left) Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford
Does this thing really fly? Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams, who played Lando Carlrissian, having a joke aboard the Millennium Falcon
Does this thing really fly? Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams, who played Lando Carlrissian, having a joke aboard the Millennium Falcon
These behind-the-scenes pictures come from courtesy of Lucasfilm, with a a couple also taken from the upcoming book Making Of The Empire Strikes Back by J.W Rinzler, which features a foreword by director Ridley Scott. There is a last image below of Carrie Fisher from the third instalment of the franchise, Return Of The Jedi, for good measure.
Author J.W. Rinzler is a long-standing member of the Lucasfilm staff as both executive editor and writer.
The book is the result of unparalleled co-operation and support from the original moviemakers, including both producer George Lucas and director Irvin Kershner. 
Meanwhile, quite a sight is in store at the Star Wars Celebration VI, August 23-26 in Orlando, Florida. It is a four-day celebration of all things Star Wars, from all six movies, The Clone Wars television series, books, comics, collectibles, toys, entertainment and more.
The event features cast and crew celebrities, fan-run events, costumes, music, live entertainment, screenings, autographs, collectibles, panels and sneak peaks into the future of Star Wars.
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia gets up-close and personal with a Gamorrean guard
Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia gets up-close and personal with a Gamorrean guard


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Feliz Páscoa!!

Olá seguidores! Hoje vou falar de moda, como me visto e como lido com as tendências. Sempre gostei de ver tudo sobre moda, as tendências...