Verdadeiras obras de arte. Assim são descritas as joias de Loree Rodkin. A peça da temporada é o anel com brilhantes chamado Lacy.
O mimo articulado, que ocupa quase todo o dedo, é cheio de estilo e se destaca pelo preço: sai por cerca de US$ 13 mil
Kate Moss e Michelle Obama são fãs dos modelos da designer.,1,1,,18,13
8 comentários:
cool ring!
MY BLOG: Dress up for armageddon
very interesting place is your blog. i like it and following. if you have time i'll be happy to check my and maybe follow ;)
Michelle obama designed this? WOW...beautiful ring.
Thanks for ur beautiful wishes.
I too wish the same for you and an even fabulous 2012.
Continue to keep inspiring me. <3
Great ring!
That ring is just way too cool!
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
That ring is awesome!
Have you said that ring is USD 13 mil. Wow that is alot for a ring! Well not sure what you had said though. Happy New you and hope your new year will be filled with good health and happiness.
Aos meu leitores:
Obrigada pelo seu comentário!
Desejo felicidade, prosperidade, saúde, realizações, paz e tudo de melhor pra você sua família! Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano de 2012!!!
To my readers:
Thank you for your comment!
I want happiness, prosperity, health, achievements, peace and all the best for you family! Merry Christmas and Happy Year 2012!
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